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    Youth Cream 30ml

    • Features

      • Contains 14% Chinese yam, pueraria mirifica extract, pomegranate extract can activate old skin cell, moisturize and increase skin’s elasticity.
      • Can anti-aging, reduce fine lines, wrinkles, firm and tighten the skin of breasts.
      • Let the skin of breasts firm, smooth, and moisturize!
      • Highly-extracted essence, maintaining the skin of the face, shoulders, clavicle, and breasts, make your skin more firm, elastic, and smooth!
    NT$2,600 NT$1,280

    Age Freezing Cream 30ml


    • Ingredients are all natural extracts, zero-burden beauty
    • Dipeptide can reduce fine lines, firms, increases skin’s elasticity, makes it youthful again
    • Firms pores, moisturizes, nourishes the skin, lightens fine lines and wrinkles, repairs the skin, purifies pores, decreases the chance of blackheads from happening
    • Can effectively regulate aged skin with fine lines, anti-wrinkles, refills collagen, makes the skin watery, tender, moisturized, increases firmness and elasticity
    NT$2,600 NT$1,100