
Showing all 9 results

Micro Gold Leaf Beauty Essence 55ml

Features of the Micro Gold Leaf Essence

  • Provides water and beauty ingredients to the skin, helps create firm and moisturized skin
  • Goes down deep to the corneous layer to moisturize and baby the skin, boosts the moisture of the skin, makes the skin clear, fine, and brighter
  • Makes the skin smooth, firm, activated, can effectively fight wrinkles and delay aging
  • Helps to form firm, elastic, moisturized skin, also helps whiten the skin and reduce the fine lines
NT$3,800 NT$1,960

Micro Gold Leaf Eye Gel 30ml

  • Gold secrets, fresh skin firming, fully moisturizing dry eyes, smoothing fine lines, adding a charming style for the skin around your eyes!
  • Uses full-effect concentrated essence, fast absorption, non-sticky, ingredients directly repair and nourish skin. It is a fast and effective full effects eye gel, solving the problem of eye aging.
NT$3,800 NT$1,960

Micro Gold Leaf Mask & Massage Cream 100ml

  • The priority in whitening the skin in summer is moisturizing it. It can immediately smooth the skin and give the skin pure gold protection that is rich but not sticky!
  • Combats the times, fights against aging! Brings back the youth glory again!
  • With the brand new ingredient, Ganoderma amboinense extract, it locks the water in the skin, fights wrinkles, drives away dullness to make the youth glamour alive again!
  • Handmade edible gold leaf of over 300 years of history is added.
NT$3,800 NT$1,960

Gold Leaf Exfoliating Gel 100ml

Product features:

Able to dilute the signs of aging and restore smooth and bright skin.

Able to tighten pores. Mild, natural materials significantly effective with dullness or roughness problems and difficulty applying makeup.

Dedicated to aging skin, actively challenges the signs of aging, so that you can always maintain compact skin, maintain youthful beauty. Skin care products developed specifically for mature skin.

Addition of hand-made food grade gold leaf from the historic Japanese royal family.

Anti-aging, firms skin, even after makeup, moist, so that the skin is not shiny, but is smooth and delicate.

NT$2,200 NT$1,960

Peptide Moisturizing Serum + Keratin Renewal Mud Mask

Peptide Moisturizing Serum Features

  • High density hyaluronic acid, deeply moisturizes the skin, and lifts skin’s water-locking ability!
  • Helps firm the skin, along with other moisturizing ingredients, can speed up the firming effect
  • Watery, small molecules, can decrease wrinkles, regulate the skin, and make it nourished!
  • Delays aging, improves fine lines, makes the skin soft, smooth, and bright

Keratin Renewal Mud Mask Features

  • Improves roughness and dryness, nourishes, moisturizes, regulates oil secretion, balances the skin, and makes the skin shine with healthy luster
  • Delays aging, increases elasticity, reduces fine lines, makes the skin smooth, bright, and firm
  • Makes the skin bright, crystal, and moisturized
  • Deeply cleans the pores, and gets rid of aged keratin
NT$3,480 NT$1,280

微導入金箔化妝水 100ml

  • 商品特色
    • 「100ml」全新升級配方添加SYN-AKE、擬鹿角靈芝等多效抗老成分,為肌膚注入活化因子,啟動修復機制,賦活新生美肌,嚴選日本皇室御用金箔,傳承三百零七年歷史的舞妓印金箔。 舒緩、保濕、撫紋、抗老漸進式保養,溫和呵護熟齡肌,給您最備受寵愛的護膚體驗。 揮別乾燥粗糙、細紋和黯沉,水潤Q彈,連肌底都像喝飽了水!
  • 銷售重點
    • 「Made in Japan」頂級的黃金保養術
NT$3,800 NT$1,960

Micro Gold Leaf Beauty Essence 55ml


  • Locks water and moisturizes
  • Whitens and activates the skin
  • Brightens the skin
  • Improves roughness of the skin
  • Restores elasticity of the skin
  • Reduces the fine lines
  • Firms the skin
NT$3,800 NT$1,960

Micro Gold Leaf Eye Gel 30ml

  • Gold secrets, fresh skin firming, fully moisturizing dry eyes, smoothing fine lines, adding a charming style for the skin around your eyes!
  • Uses full-effect concentrated essence, fast absorption, non-sticky, ingredients directly repair and nourish skin. It is a fast and effective full effects eye gel, solving the problem of eye aging.
NT$3,800 NT$1,960

Micro Gold Leaf Mask & Massage Cream 100ml

  • The priority in whitening the skin in summer is moisturizing it. It can immediately smooth the skin and give the skin pure gold protection that is rich but not sticky!
  • Combats the times, fights against aging! Brings back the youth glory again!
  • With the brand new ingredient, Ganoderma amboinense extract, it locks the water in the skin, fights wrinkles, drives away dullness to make the youth glamour alive again!
  • Handmade edible gold leaf of over 300 years of history is added.
NT$3,800 NT$1,960