
    Showing all 7 results

    GHK-Cu Essence Cream 35ml


    • Whitening, makes the skin white, crystal, and bright
    • Anti-wrinkle, anti-aging! Makes the skin fully moisturized, and lifts moisturizing ability!
    • Assists in skin’s repairing, and repairs aging traces from inside to outside
    • Moisturizes, repairs , lightens fine lines, boosts elasticity, and improves slackness
    NT$3,800 NT$500

    微導入金箔化妝水 100ml

    • 商品特色
      • 「100ml」全新升級配方添加SYN-AKE、擬鹿角靈芝等多效抗老成分,為肌膚注入活化因子,啟動修復機制,賦活新生美肌,嚴選日本皇室御用金箔,傳承三百零七年歷史的舞妓印金箔。 舒緩、保濕、撫紋、抗老漸進式保養,溫和呵護熟齡肌,給您最備受寵愛的護膚體驗。 揮別乾燥粗糙、細紋和黯沉,水潤Q彈,連肌底都像喝飽了水!
    • 銷售重點
      • 「Made in Japan」頂級的黃金保養術
    NT$3,800 NT$1,960

    Micro Gold Leaf Beauty Essence 55ml


    • Locks water and moisturizes
    • Whitens and activates the skin
    • Brightens the skin
    • Improves roughness of the skin
    • Restores elasticity of the skin
    • Reduces the fine lines
    • Firms the skin
    NT$3,800 NT$1,960

    Whitening Tonic 100ml

    • Features

      • Deeply repairs the skin, intensifies keratin, improves skin’s vibrancy, and recovers its youthful elasticity
      • Makes the skin recover to its best status, and naturally reveals watery and tender glamour!
      • Highly effective moisturizing ingredients can penetrate the skin, and create natural water-locking ability for the skin
      • Delays aging of the skin
      • Highly absorbent, whitens, purifies, and moisturizes the skin

      Good assistant in wet wraps, makes the skin moisturized, bright, smooth, and crystal!

    NT$2,200 NT$1,000

    Gumbo Hexapeptide-3 Essence 15ml

    Beauty effects

    Intensifies anti-wrinkle effect, anti-aging, repairs the skin, reverses skin’s age, vitalizes the skin, firms and lifts the skin.

    NT$4,800 NT$700

    Rose Whitening Toner 150ml


    • Prevents aging《suitable for all skin types》
    • Soothes and comforts the skin, just with a gentle pat on your face to make it refreshing and bright
    • Has various kinds of moisturizing ingredients, locks the moisture the skin needs, strengthens moisturizing ability, and shines with watery and tender glamour
    • Improves fragile and dry skin, prevents roughness, and stabilizes the skin
    • Refreshing and mild, firms the pores, softens and nourishes the skin, if used for a long term, the skin gets white, bright, and pure
    NT$350 NT$200

    Chamomile Toner 150ml


    • Soothing, moisturizing, protecting, multi-effect, while having excellent regulating effect
    • Prevents aging, and improves dryness and roughness
    • Intensifies nourishing and protecting effect, keeps moisture for the skin, makes it easy for you to get the dream-like crystal, flawless, and pretty skin!
    • Makes the skin moisturized, nourished, restores its balance, and shines with glamour
    NT$350 NT$200